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A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith) 9 9 Browse Search
Strabo, Geography 1 1 Browse Search
Strabo, Geography (ed. H.C. Hamilton, Esq., W. Falconer, M.A.) 1 1 Browse Search
M. Tullius Cicero, De Officiis: index (ed. Walter Miller) 1 1 Browse Search
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Strabo, Geography, Book 6, chapter 2 (search)
and murky fire broke forth, but later the scum hardened and became as hard as mill-stone; and the governor of Sicily, Titus Flaminius,This Titus Flaminius, who must have lived "within the recollection" of Poseidonius, is otherwise unknown. If the text is correct, he was governor of Sicily about 90 B.C. Cp. Nissen, op. cit. II.251. But Du Theil, Corais and C. Müller emend to Titus "Flamininus," who was governor in 123 B.C., trying to connect this eruption with that which is generally put at 126 B.C. (cp. Pliny 2. 88 [89]). reported the event to the Senate, and the Senate sent a deputation to offer propitiatory sacrifices, both in the isletThe islet just created. and in Liparae, to the gods both of the underworld and of the Sea. Now, according to the Chorographer,See footnote 3 in Vol. II, p. 358. the distance from Ericodes to Phoenicodesi.e., Ericussa and Phoenicussa. is ten miles, and thence to Didyme thirty, and thence to the northern part of Lipara twenty-nine, and thence to Sic
Strabo, Geography (ed. H.C. Hamilton, Esq., W. Falconer, M.A.), BOOK VI., CHAPTER II. (search)
ptic person, at one time fainting and giddy, and at another returning to their senses; and many days afterwards a mud or clay was observed rising in the sea, and in many parts the flames issued, and smoke and smoky blazes; afterwards it congealed and became a rock like mill-stones. Titus Flaminius,A note in the French translation suggests that, notwithstanding the accord of all manuscripts, we should, doubtless, understand Titus Quinctius Flaminius, prætor in A.. U C. 628, and B. C. 126. who then commanded in Sicily, despatched to the senate [of Rome] a fill account of the phenomenon; the senate sent and offered sacrifices to the infernal and marine divinities both in the little island [which had thus been formed] and the Lipari Islands. Now the chorographer reckons that from Ericodes to Phœnicodes are 10 miles, from thence to Didyma 30, from thence to the northernmost pointpo|o\s a)/rkton, in Kramer's text. We have followed the example set by the French translators,
Aqui'llius 1. M'. Aquillius, M'. F. M'. N. Consul B. C. 129, put an end to the war which had been carried on against Aristonicus, the son of Eumenes of Pergamus, and which had been almost terminated by his predecessor, Perperna. On his return to Rome, he was accused by P. Lentulus of maladministration in his province, but was acquitted by bribing the judges. (Flor. 2.20; Just. 36.4; Vell. 2.4; Cic. de Nat. Deor. 2.5, Div. in Caecil. 21; Appian, App. BC 1.22.) He obtained a triumph on account of his successes in Asia, but not till B. C. 126. (Fast. Capitol.
d for preventing Caius from obtaining the tribuneship. It is not impossible that this fear of the aristocracy may have been excited by Caius's speech against M. Pennus, which at any rate must have been delivered shortly before his quaestorship, B. C. 126. (Cic. Brut. 28; Fest. s. v. respublicas.) Chance seemed to favour the schemes of the optimates, for in B. C. 126 the lot fell upon C. Gracchus to go as quaestor to Sardinia, under the consul L. Aurelius Orestes; and since he was fond of militaB. C. 126 the lot fell upon C. Gracchus to go as quaestor to Sardinia, under the consul L. Aurelius Orestes; and since he was fond of military life, for which he was as well qualified and disciplined as for speaking in public, he was pleased with the opportunity of leaving Rome. For a time Caius was thus removed from the jealous and envious eyes of the nobles, but in his province he soon attracted the greatest attention ; he gained the approbation of his superiors and the attachment of the soldiers. He was brave against the enemy, just towards his inferiors, punctual in the discharge of his duties, and in temperance and frugality
ged to that party of the Roman nobles who set their faces against the refined but extravagant habits which the Scipios and their friends were introducing into the state. Lepidus the triumvir is called by Cicero (Cic. Phil. 13.7) the pronepos of this Lepidus; but he would seem more probably to have been his abnepos, or great-great-grandson. This Lepidus left several sons; but we can hardly suppose that either the M. Lepidus Porcina, who was consul B. C. 137, or the M. Lepidus who was consul B. C. 126, were his sons, more especially as Livy mentions one of his sons, M. Lepidus (37.43), as tribune of the soldiers in B. C. 190: the other two we may therefore look upon as his grandsons. (Plb. 16.34; Liv. 31.2, 18, 32.7, 35.10, 24, 36.2, 38.42, 39.2, 56; Plb. 23.1; V. Max. 6.3.3; Liv. 40.42, 45, 46; V. Max. 4.2.1; Cic. de Prov. Cons. 9; Liv. Epit. 48, comp. 40.51, 41.27, 43.15, Epit. 46, 47; Plb. 32.22.) The following coin of Lepidus refers to his embassy to Egypt mentioned above, and to
Le'pidus 11. M. Aemilius Lepidus, M. F. M. N., consul B. C. 126 (Cic. Brut. 28; Obsequ. 89; Oros. 5.10.), and brother apparently of No. 10., though it is difficult to account for their both having the same praenomen.
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
Orestes, Aure'lus 2. L. Aurelius Orestes, L. F. L. N., son of the preceding, was consul B. C. 126, with M. Aemilius Lepidus. He was sent into Sardinia to subdue the inhabitants of the island, who had again risen against the Roman authority, as they had done on many previous occasions. Orestes remained in his province upwards of three years, and obtained a triumph on his return to Rome in B. C. 122. C. Gracchus was quaestor to Orestes in Sardinia, and distinguished himself greatly by the way in which he there discharged the duties of his office. M. Aemilius Scaurus also served under Orestes in Sardinia (Liv. Epit. 60; Plut. C. Gracch. 1, 2; Cic. Brut. 28; Aur. Vict. de Vir. Ill. 72; Fasti Capit.) This Aurelius Orestes obtains a place, along with his brother C. Aurelius Orestes, in the list of orators in the Brutus of Cicero (100.25), who, however, only says of them, "quos aliquo video in numero oratorum fiisse."
Pa'pius 1. C. Papius, a tribune of the plebs B. C. 65, was the author of a law by which all peregrini were banished from Rome. This was the renewal of a similar law which had been proposed by M. Junius Pennus, in B. C. 126. The Papia lex also contained provisions respecting the punishment of those persons who had assumed the Roman franchise without having any claim to it (D. C. 37.9; Cic. de Off. 3.11, pro Balb. 23, pro Arch. 5, de Leg. Agr. 1.4, ad Att. 16). If we are to believe Valerius Maximus (3.4.5), this law must have been passed at a much earlier period, since he relates that the father of Perperna, who was consul B. C. 130, was accused under the Papia lex after the death of his son, because he had falsely assumed the rights of a Roman citizen. But since Dio Cassius (l.c.) expressly places the law in B. C. 65, and Cicero speaks of its proposer as a contemporary (de Off. 3.11), we may conclude that there is some mistake in Valerius Maximus.
Pennus 3. M. Junius Pennus, of No. 2, was tribune of the plebs, B. C. 126, in which year he brought forward a law for expelling all strangers or foreigners (peregrini)from Rome. This law was opposed by C. Gracchus, because the peregrini were of assistance to him in his struggle with the aristocracy, but it was carried notwithstanding. Pennus was afterwards elected to the aedileship, but died before obtaining any higher honour in the state. (Cic. Brut. 28, de Off. 3.11; Fest. s.v. Respublica.
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
on the trade of a coal-merchant, and left his son a very slender patrimony. The latter had thought at first of carrying on the trade of a money-lender ; but he finally resolved to devote himself to the study of eloquence, with the hope of rising to the honours of the state. He likewise served in the army, where he appears to have gained some distinction. His first campaign was in Spain, probably in the war against Numantia. He next served under the consul L. Aurelius Orestes, in Sardinia, B. C. 126. He was curule aedile in B. C. 123, but was prevented by his poverty from giving the games with much splendour. Though we have only scanty accounts of his early career, it appears that he had already obtained great influence in the state; and he is mentioned by Sallust as one of the leading men at Rome, when Adherbal came to the city, about B. C. 117, to solicit assistance against Jugurtha. He was one of the few Roman nobles who abstained on that occasion from receiving the bribes of Jugur
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